chocolate fondues
Royce chocolates
Ben&Jerry ice-creams
chilling out with frens
tuck in bed on rainy day
doing manipedi
watching movies
writing essays on politics...bleh!
2-headed snakes
being poor
insurance talks
flying cockroaches! yucks!
gg to work on a rainy morning
more $$..
dark eyes circles begone!
a lappi..?
a room of my own..
Travelling to Japan, Korea, Greece, Europe
to set up a small cafe which sell flower tea & pretty umbrella..
Birthday in 2008!
I just found out that my birthday next year will fall on the 1st day of the Chinese New Year!
Dunno is it good or bad la...
But Jenny mentioned that Chinese all over the world will be counting down to my birthday! and there will be fireworks too!!
That thought didn't occur to me at all.... haha!
I only thought that I do not have to take leave for my birthday next year...and may be got excuse to extort receive more hong bao $$! hehehe!
So it may be a good thing afterall! ;)
wroofs wroofs 10:54 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
my first attempt in baking cupcakes..!!
couldn't have make it w/o Jen's help... heehee...
Nice?? hee!
It spelled "Happy Bday".... made it in time for a friend's bday... heehee...
anyway its an impromptu decision to bake cupcakes... decision came after seeing Jen's cupcakes... all look so cute! heehee..
borrowed Jacq's kitchen (which is in Jurong!) to do the baking.. haha! so the cakes actually travelled a long way to home... :p
Thanks J&J! hehe....
Dunno if I will attempt a second try by myself.... the washing up after the baking takes such a long time....plus me always feeling so lazy all the time... :p
but looking at all the pix in the cooking thread in lesdames always give me a surge of enthusiasm to learn some cooking & baking... haha!
not able to access the net over the weekend coz home PC spoilt.... me waiting for my sis to come back n retrieve it back to life....
mayb got to change new PC liao....about time to also i guess.... but mean will have to fork out $$ again.... sigh~
i have plan to blog about a few things....but are always too lazy to do so.... by the time i got ard to blog...it just seem to have lost the meaning... =/