chocolate fondues
Royce chocolates
Ben&Jerry ice-creams
chilling out with frens
tuck in bed on rainy day
doing manipedi
watching movies
writing essays on politics...bleh!
2-headed snakes
being poor
insurance talks
flying cockroaches! yucks!
gg to work on a rainy morning
more $$..
dark eyes circles begone!
a lappi..?
a room of my own..
Travelling to Japan, Korea, Greece, Europe
to set up a small cafe which sell flower tea & pretty umbrella..
thanks for giving me so many reasons to hate u....
however it is not worth to waste my energy and thoughts on u anymore...
wroofs wroofs 11:40 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
U700 vs E840
U700 VS E840
dilemma dilemma.............
wroofs wroofs 11:44 AM
Friday, September 07, 2007
Too much time..??
think my neighbour is feeling quite free these few days....
wroofs wroofs 4:45 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Just realised that Blogger saved 42 drafts of my previous post..!!! -_-"
dunno is there something wrong with blogger or is it my office network...
wroofs wroofs 5:26 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ratatouille (Rat.a.too.ee)
It is a nice cartoon! =D
But I think it will be quite horrifying if the some of the scenes happen in real life...
Imagine stepping into a kitchen infested with rats..!! eeeeeeeewwww...
the thoughts of it is giving me goosebumps already... =S
anyway... i'm surprised to know that Ratatouille is a name of a French cuisine.... initially thought that it was just a nickname for the Rat in the cartoon.... haha...
someone sent me this...
i liked the comic in the clips! so cute!
note: got to know from the friend that the comic characters are known as Pon and Zi.. cute! :)