chocolate fondues
Royce chocolates
Ben&Jerry ice-creams
chilling out with frens
tuck in bed on rainy day
doing manipedi
watching movies
writing essays on politics...bleh!
2-headed snakes
being poor
insurance talks
flying cockroaches! yucks!
gg to work on a rainy morning
more $$..
dark eyes circles begone!
a lappi..?
a room of my own..
Travelling to Japan, Korea, Greece, Europe
to set up a small cafe which sell flower tea & pretty umbrella..
Sentosa Overload
Went Sentosa last Sat and Sun.. but with different group of friends.. haha!
SATURDAY Went for the Jazz by the Beach event with Brian and some of his friends..It's the last session for this year!
we reached at around 3 pm..! so that we can get a good area of seat.. haha.. spent the whole afternoon playing 'in-between'.. For the Jazz by the Beach, we were abit dissappointed by the event thou.. the Jazz music didn't seem as nice as we have imagined it to be... But well.. maybe it just happened to be one of the day with a lousier band.. =P
Some photos.. :)
Brian with RS & MW
Jiarong with ShanShan
Brian and Me!
SUNDAY Sunday, went to Sentosa again with the 2 Angels after my Sun gym at Vivo... We have wine in the afternoon, under the hot sun! hahaha! I think not a good idea to do so... quite dehydrating... next time we shall go in the late afternoon instead.. heheh..
I looked ugly in most of the photos.. due to the hot sun and sleepyness.. So I will only post 1 pic.. hahaha!
wroofs wroofs 5:56 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sweet song..!
but... I have neither dimples nor long eyelashes.. so sad..
wroofs wroofs 4:14 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eyebrow Embroidery....
Should I do it???
Have been thinking about it for a long while already... hmmm...
According to the Forum, there is one good home based specialist (Diana) in Sengkang who is charging about $420 for Creative Embroidery...
Should I should I???
wroofs wroofs 9:59 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my dearest... =)
wroofs wroofs 12:12 PM
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I'm starting to be convinced that the best way for a guy to capture a gal's heart is to stand by her side when she is at her weakest.. which is usually after a break-up or bad family matters..
Do you think so?
Hmmm...Timing is just so important...
wroofs wroofs 11:54 AM
*kroff kroff kroff*
I hope all the coughing really does help work my stomach muscles...
and I hope i has lost some weight with all the coughing exercise that I have been doing...
*kroff kroff*
wroofs wroofs 11:49 AM
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Happy Children Day
... and Happy 1st Anniversary to us! ^^
Have decided some weeks ago to try and make the Strawberry Heart Jelly Cheesecake for my "Big Boy"...
The Strawberries all cut up with a heart-shaped cutter.. so cute right!
After arranging the strawberries on top of the cheesecake...
and finally topping off the cheesecake with strawberry jelly...
Looks very pretty right! Hehehehe! But after I cut up the cheesecake it looks quite ugly.. with all the jagged lines.. so didn't take any photos.. :p
But well.. For my 1st attempt at cheesecake, it is miraculously still edible! Haha! and got people say nice too! Hehe!
Actually thought of bringing some to the office... but my mom gave almost all of it to another relative by the time I came home.. #_# Maybe will try to do it for friends another time...... :p
We went to the Greenhouse @ Ritz Carlton for their lunch buffet.. cost about $60+ after the taxes because no discount due to PH.. :(
Anyway.. the lunch buffet has a better spread of dessert compared to the dinner.. I love their ice-cream counter! The lychee sorbet tasted yummy! But I still missed having their lobsters, which are only served during dinner...
The selection of ice-creams!
Reminded us of the days at Cayman Ritz...
We went for a free concert after that... got the free tickets from Kbox..
Actually not very keen to go for the concert at all.. because its something like an oldies concert...except for Wu Si Kai's songs, most of the songs I have never heard before lor.. but don't want to waste the tickets so we decided to go... Kind of regret after seeing alot of aunties there.. hahaha...
See... so little ppl in our area...
but actually the concert wasn't so bad afterall.. I like Zhao Yong Hua's songs... maybe can try singing them at ktv next time.. hehehe!
and it is here at the concert that I got my bruise on my shin.. T_T Fell a few steps down the stairs when on the way to the toilet...Luckily, I managed to grabbed hold of the railing to stop my fall.. if not I'll have more then just a big bruise.. @_@ Heng the place was quite dark and not much people around...so not many people saw me malu.. LOL! But I almost gave Brian a heart attack with the fall..! :p
Wah.. think realised the post became so long liao.. must be one of the longest in recent months!