chocolate fondues
Royce chocolates
Ben&Jerry ice-creams
chilling out with frens
tuck in bed on rainy day
doing manipedi
watching movies
writing essays on politics...bleh!
2-headed snakes
being poor
insurance talks
flying cockroaches! yucks!
gg to work on a rainy morning
more $$..
dark eyes circles begone!
a lappi..?
a room of my own..
Travelling to Japan, Korea, Greece, Europe
to set up a small cafe which sell flower tea & pretty umbrella..
Taipei again!
Flying off to Taipei in 2 days time! Weee~!
Its my 2nd time there... will be spending 5 days in Taipei and 1 day trip to Taoyuan.. Kind of regret not booking the return flight on Sat instead of Fri... Weekend in XMD is quite a nice experience.. hahaa!
Hope it wun be too Hot and too Rainy during our trip! =D
wroofs wroofs 10:35 AM
Friday, August 14, 2009
Not feeling happy on a Friday... somehow the cheerful feeling from morning seems to have die off...
Auntie wreaking havoc with my hormones again..
wroofs wroofs 4:58 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tioman Trip
Here are the pictures!
Think i look pretty awful with my big eye bags and dark circles.. result of 3 continuous days of late nights and early mornings.. Boohoo! Time to start my eye mask routine again!! (>_<)
Anyway.. Tioman is pretty disappointing.. the beach is not very nice, the water is not very clear and has hazy sky.. and its quite polluted too.. (maybe because its populated with alot of Singaporean tourists??) The 2 places to go for snorkelling when at Tioman is the Reggis Island and Tulai Island.. the Marine Park is lousy.. but we have a nice surprise while returning on the speed boat from Tulai island.. Dolphins!! It is really a nice feeling to see so many dolphins swimming so close to the boat! It make up for the whole snorkelling trip.. haha!
Here is a short video captured by Huili... my camera always failed me at the most impt moment!! Boo!